Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sending email (smtp) using python

bash$ python
Python 2.1.1 (#1, Dec 29 2004, 11:06:29)
[GCC 3.3.3] on linux2
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>>> # First we need to import smtplib, which we use for sending email
>>> import smtplib
>>> # Next we compose the message we want to be sent, in MIME format.
>>> # You can go ahead and include attachments or whatever.
>>> # One quick way would be to use MS Outlook or something to compose
>>> # the message, then save it as .eml, and copy the source.
>>> # Note here that "From:", "To:", "Cc:" etc are what your recipients
>>> # will see in the header, but does not reflect on who the message is
>>> # actually from, or is actually sent to.
>>> # The message only goes to people who you specify in the sendmail() call.
>>> # Note also that the \r\n pattern should separate each field in the header
>>> # and the \r\n\r\n separates header from the body.
>>> message = """From: John Dove <>\r\nTo: John Dove <>\r\nCc: Jane Dove <>\r\nSubject: Hi!\r\n\r\n
... Hi John,

... How are you doing man?
... Just mailing in to let you know that I exist..
... Just woke up when you were loitering around in the pantry :D
... /your alter-ego(2)
... """
>>> # Now we initiate the smtp connection
>>> mailServer = smtplib.SMTP("")
>>> # Now we actually send the email..
>>> mailServer.sendmail("", ["",
... "", ""], message);

>>> # Now that we are done, we 'hang up' the connection
>>> mailServer.close()
>>> # bbye :D



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