Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Full Screen issue with mplayer

I was having a small issue with mplayer.. When I full screen the video, the whole screen is occupied, as in the screen goes black, but the video is played still at the original resolution in a small rectangle in the center.

As always, google saved the day..

A "-zoom" parameter needs to be passed to mplayer, to zoom the video to the window size.

Alternatively, a config file can be set up for mplayer as

## MPlayer config file
## This file can be copied to /usr/local/etc/mplayer.conf and/or ~/.mplayer/config .
## If both exist, the ~/.mplayer/config's settings override the
## /usr/local/etc/mplayer.conf ones. And, of course command line overrides all.
## The options are the same as in the command line, but they can be specified
## more flexibly here. See below.

vo=xv # To specify default video driver (see -vo help for
# list)
ao=oss # To specify default audio driver (see -ao help for
# list)

fs=no # Enlarges movie window to your desktop's size.
# Used by drivers: all

vm=yes # Tries to change to a different videomode
# Used by drivers: dga2, x11, sdl

bpp=24 # Force changing display depth.
# Valid settings are: 0, 15, 16, 24, 32
# may need 'vm=yes' too.
# Used by drivers: fbdev, dga2, svga, vesa

zoom=yes # Enable software scaling (powerful CPU needed)
# Used by drivers: svga, x11, vesa

#double=yes # use double-buffering (recommended for xv with
# SUB/OSD usage)

# monitoraspect=4:3 # standard monitor size, with square pixels
# monitoraspect=16:9 # use this for widescreen monitor! non-square pixels

## Use GUI mode by default

gui = yes
The zoom=yes line is what we need to fix the issue.
And on that "Powerful CPU needed" line, a 640x480 DivX video zoomed to 1024x768 will probably require a 1.2 GHz processor at most.


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