[This post has been translocated from my python blog to this blog, as I'm planning to close down my python blog.. It's not seeing much attention from me anyways :D ]
Python was a buzzword around that time. Like an intelligent babe, this language was being exalted as simple and yet tremendously powerful. Well I never bothered; but instead just cleaved to the faith that the prodigious C++ was _the_ panacea for all programming imbroglio.
That went on until I stumbled upon this book: 'Byte of Python' by Swaroop C H [http://www.byteofpython.info/]
And that day, I was bitten.
Well, my old buddy C++ is still my best buddy because she is the most adaptable and reliable programming language that I've learned. In fact C++ and her object oriented lineage teaches you to think of programming situations from an entirely different perspective than what used to be conventional. C++ made you think more like you normally would.
But then Python too borrows heavily from the same Object oriented approaches and additionally allows you the flexibility of more expressive expressions and concise statements. Also somewhere in her lineage python had some functional programming ancestry which allows scope for expressing certain situations more flexibly.
So.. What exactly is this python?
Well I'd qualify python by the following salient features
- It's an interpreted programming language.
- It's a language which uses type inference and dynamic typing, which means you needn't specify the type of variables at compile time, and variables can be assigned values of different types without having to worry too much about the risks involved.
- It's an object oriented programming language.
- Seasoned with condiments from functional programming, it delivers that flexibility too, without the concomitant obscurity associated with functional languages.
- It has a _huge_ standard library base catering to almost all conceivable requirements.
- It is concise and succinct, reducing code size to probably 30% of the C++ analogue.
On the whole, it's one hell of a language.
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