Wednesday, April 30, 2008

gparted vs partition magic

Guess Partition magic is familiar to most folks around.

However, I wanted an Free Open Source solution addressing the same purpose.

My searches have led me to parted
and it's gui-enabled frontend gparted

There's a gparted live cd,
which is a bootable linux cd which takes you straight to the gparted gui.

Also, gparted is available on the "SystemRescueCd" liveCD distribution.

Also, here's a good link on using gparted to partition hard drives on Windows Vista preinstalled laptops.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

Video lectures on computer science


Programming from the ground up

An apparently good resource for programming in assembly under linux.

Bartlett, Jonathan - Programming from the Ground up

This is the first book I've seen so far on assembly programming using the gnu toolset.
And the book is available as soft copy under GPL

Thanks again to my friend Haynes for pointing me to this.


Thursday, April 3, 2008


This looks like a repository for all kinds of developer's info (*nix primarily)

As they describe themselves:
