Wednesday, March 16, 2022

How to Install Windows 11

So I posted a video on reinstalling Windows, with Windows 11. 

There is a story behind how that happened. I had the T460s that I was using to record videos. On the last video, while doing subtitles, the speakers started acting up and pretty much broke. So then, I ordered a pair of replacement speakers, and 16GB of RAM to add to it. 

While all of that was shipping, I found a T470 on Facebook Marketplace from a local seller going really cheap. So I decided to buy it. Turns out, it was a laptop in really good shape, with 16GB RAM, a SIM card slot, and touchscreen! So the new RAM went on it - making it a 32GB RAM laptop, perfect for running a bunch of virtual machines for the day when I demonstrate Kubernetes! And that has become my primary personal laptop.

In the process, I again had to reinstall Windows and Linux on it. Meanwhile, a video capture card I had ordered also arrived in the mail. So I figured, can I capture the boot / BIOS screens? And the idea formed, of doing a video on reinstalling Windows. 

Especially, now that I have a touchscreen ThinkPad, I might as well sell off the Microsoft Surface that I had bought (again used) sometime back for a touchscreen device? So if I do that, I will want to point my buyer at a video on how to reinstall Windows? Although, maybe I'll keep the Surface - we'll see.

Anyhow - here's the video:

I might do another on how to do a dual boot install of Linux on it later. We'll see.


Tuesday, March 8, 2022

TS03 Operators in TypeScript

The fourth video of the TypeScript tutorial is now live on my channel Code with Matt Varghese!

This tutorial covers operators:

  • Assignment Operator
  • Destructuring
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Arithmetic Assignment Operators
  • Increment/Decrement Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Comma Operator
  • Spread Operator
  • Conditional Operator
  • Other Operators
  • Operator Precedence

Mosey over, take a lookie, subscribe, like, share, and post your comments either on the YouTube video itself, or on the companion GitHub repository


Friday, March 4, 2022

TS02 Basics of TypeScript - variables, types etc.

And the third video, the second in the TypeScript tutorial series is live on my YouTube channel :)

This video covers basics - variables, native types, etc., and builds the foundation upon which we will build further later.

Check out the video, post comments if you have any, subscribe & like, and enjoy learning TypeScript !


Wednesday, February 23, 2022

TS01 Hello World - TypeScript NodeJS HTTP Server with unit tests and ESLint

So we now have our first video in the TypeScript tutorial live :) This is an intro video, using the NodeJS Getting Started HTTP Server example at but using TypeScript. We also demonstrate Visual Studio Code integration and debugging, Jest unit tests and unit test debugging, and ESLint.

Code for the video is at: > TS01-HelloWorld. 

Please watch the video, hit the like button, subscribe to the channel for the future videos in the tutorial series, and post any feedback as comments on the YouTube video!


Monday, February 21, 2022

New YouTube channel - Code with Matt Varghese!

I've been working on learning and using the NodeJS ecosystem with pure TypeScript - no JavaScript, nor JavaScript style code in TypeScript files. Looking online for tutorials on YouTube, even the ones with a lot of views and lot of subscribers seem to be hack-job tutorials. So some part of me felt like maybe I should make a YouTube tutorial?At the very least, it would be an exercise in my ability to design curriculum and teach?

So I have launched a YouTube channel ( and a first video - this is kinda prerequisite of setting up a Linux virtual machine to work in. Also bought a microphone and set up my desk to be able to record videos.

Here's the first video.

And here's the desk and microphone setup.

I'm kinda planning the next few videos to be

1. Intro and setting up a console project for TypeScript on NodeJS

2. Basic types in TypeScript

3. Capturing user input
